ROBOS Slaughterhouse Automation Robots : Automation Solutions for a Safe and Efficient Work EnvironmentROBOS : Carcass Halving Robot: Designed to split carcasses after organ removal, featuring adaptable gambrel designs for varying sizes across slaughterhouses.Industrial slaughterhouse work presents physical and psychological challenges to workers. ROBOS addresses these critical issues by deploying robotic solutions that directly confront them.Despite the adoption of automated facilities, many customers still rely heavily on manual labor, leading to reduced efficiency. ROBOS introduces robots with vision and automation systems to reduce labor costs and boost operational efficiency.
Biometric measurement, calculation, and robot control are self-taught through repetitive learning.
Optimized for Korea’s pig farming with weight variances between 60-150 kg.

Atypical Biometric Machine Vision Deep Learning AI

Step 1 : Acquires LIDAR scan data of atypical biometrics
Acquires LIDAR scan data of atypical biometrics
Step 2 : Converts acquired data into 3D models for associative use
Converts acquired data into 3D models for associative use
Step 3 : Develops core formulas for anatomical biometric control through machine deep learning
Develops core formulas for anatomical biometric control through
[ machine deep learning ]
Step 4 : Generates coordinates for robot control
Generates coordinates for robot control
Step 5 : Repetitive learning for robot control
Repetitive learning for robot control
Biometric Data Collection

4,000 new datasets collected daily

Cumulative Biometric Data in Deep Learning

Over 3 million datasets

Self-Developed AI Model for atypical Learning


Slaughterhouse Automation Robots

Automation Solutions for a Safe and Efficient Work Environment

The nature of the meat slaughtering industry presents many challenges for workers, both physically and psychologically. Workers face repetitive tasks in hazardous environments with risks of accidents, poor ventilation in the by-product rooms, drainage issues, and having to work in poor sanitary floor are part of the daily reality for slaughterhouse workers. Such harsh conditions and dangerous tasks need urgent improvement.
To address these issues, ROBOS has developed the “Atypical Biometric AI Assessment." In slaughterhouses, handling carcasses of various sizes and shapes (60kg to 150kg) requires precise calaculations of the positions. Our atypical biometric AI system utilizes LIDAR Vision and OpenCV-based object detection technology to analyze vision data of carcasses. With our own developed hardware and software technology, we ensure high precision and accuracy in delivering carcasses repetitively and effectively.
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Meat Processing Automation

Automated Smart Factory Solution for Pig and Cattle Slaughtering and Meat Processing

Despite many customers having automated their facilities, they still require numerous workers, which reduces efficiency. Errors in judgment of carcass information due to worker’s mistakes can lower product quality and reliability. Additionally, repetitive tasks increase the fatigue level of workers and rising occupational risk leading to musculoskeletal disorders.
To solve these problems, ROBOS uses its vision system and robots to accurately and quickly sort and pack materials. This automation system reduces the number of packaging workers from 5 to 2, cutting labor costs and increasing efficiency. By minimizing worker errors, we improve product quality and trustworthiness, and reduce the management burden caused by frequent employee turnover. ROBOS’ meat processing automation project is designed to make work environments safer and more efficient.